Coffee And Sugar Body Scrub For Glowing Skin


¼ cup Ground Coffee

¼ cup Sugar

2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

3 Vitamin E Capsules

Prep Time

2 minutes

Treatment Time

10 minutes


Combine all the ingredients until you get a coarse paste.

Cleanse your skin and apply this paste onto it.
Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture, in circular motions, on your skin.

Take 5-10 minutes to gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.

Wash the mixture off your body using a hydrating body scrub and lukewarm water.

How Often?

Use this body scrub about 2-3 times a week for a smooth and glowing skin.

How It Works

This is one of the best scrubs you could use for your skin. Coffee is rich in antioxidants which help fight cellulite while the sugar in this mixture works as an exfoliator that helps get rid of dead skin. The olive oil in this scrub penetrates deep into your skin, hydrating it and keeping it healthy.


Guavas have sweet or tangy flavor depending on what ripening stage they are at. Its flesh is white, pink or maroon depending on which variety it is. The seeds are hard and placed in the center of the fruit.  Guavas resemble pears closely but have completely different in taste and texture. Guavas are eaten raw but may be cooked to be turned into jams. Guavas are very susceptible to weather conditions and cannot bear high temperatures. Its chemical composition makes it highly beneficial in treating and preventing various diseases, especially skin related ones. Guavas are rich in minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants which can benefit the body in more ways than one.

Guava is a tropical fruit, the calorie count is low, and the nutritional value is high. Here is some impressive benefits that eating guava can add to your health.


Guavas are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as Vitamin C, riboflavin and thiamin. Guavas can be very useful in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells and also prevents tumor growth. Recent studies have shown that eating guava regularly negatively affects breast, prostate and oral cancer. Guava leaves contain oil that acts as an antiproliferative and it is tested to target cancerous growths and to prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Guavas also contain lycopene which targets prostate cancer and prevents it from taking roots.


Fruits are often confused as blood-sugar level spiking agents, but, guava is one of the most beneficial fruits that help keep the blood sugar levels in check. The high amounts of dietary fiber in guavas can positively affect the glucose blood sugar levels and prevent spikes in diabetes patients. Research conducted on type II diabetes suggests that regularly eating guava made a big difference in their blood sugar levels.


Guavas are rich in dietary fiber which is very beneficial to keep the arteries and blood vessels clean. This helps promote a moderate blood flow which is necessary for preventing excessive blood flow to the heart. Guavas are hypoglycemic and can be very helpful in regulating adequate blood flow throughout the body.


Immunity is the body’s barrier to diseases and infections. When the immune system f the body weakens it is far easier for chronic diseases and infections to take root in the body. Guavas are a rich source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Regular consumption of guavas can ensure that the body stays clear of disease and recovers quickly. The longer you stay sick especially during bouts of common cold and flu the weaker you immunity gets.


Guavas have been studied to keep the health of the thyroid gland in check and also target the excessive production of the TSH hormone.  As Guavas help the body maintain a healthy metabolic rate, it also affects the overall thyroid health positively. It is a good source of copper which when deficient in the body can be the cause of thyroid hyperfunctions. This can develop into chronic illness and poses severe health risks. Better to eat right than suffer.


To keep the body healthy and promote oxygenation the metabolic rate needs to maintained and fruits such as guavas are rich in dietary fibers as well as antioxidants which are useful in muscle regeneration and also keep the brain functioning properly. The dietary fiber is also useful in helping the body break down complex proteins and completely, which besides all its benefits, also reduces bloating.


Diseases like diarrhea can strip the body of essential nutrient and also weaken the immune system. Eating something which helps bulk up the stool and also help retain nutrients in the body is necessary and guava fits the bill. The dietary fiber can help rid the body of this disease as it will bulk up the stool.


Healing snacking between meals is necessary for active weight loss. Eating less and foods that spike energy levels without actually providing any nutrients can be more damaging to the results we require rather than beneficial. Guavas are rich in vitamins and minerals which provide the right energy boost, and the dietary fiber keeps the stomach full for a long time.


As time passes the body ages both internally and externally, as much as we would like it not to be, aging is irreversible. However, eating a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamin C can protect the body and skin from oxidative damage and also from the effects of aging. Vitamin C is said to aid the production of collagen, especially in the skin cells. Guava face masks can also give the face a tightening and firming effect.


Scurvy is a severe health condition that can lead to other health problems. The main identified reason for scurvy is the deficiency of vitamin C. Guavas are a rich source of vitamin C, so much so that they are four times more potent than citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. Guava is deemed to be the best source of vitamin C in fruits


hqdefaultBesides its unique flavour and fragrance, guava has been hailed as one of the super fruits due to the numerous health benefits it offers. It indeed is a powerhouse of nutrients. “This humble fruit is extraordinarily rich in vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants that are beneficial for skin.

Now the juice include:

Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink recipe


download4 cups chilled watermelon cubes
2 cups chilled pineapple cubes
1 1/2 cups chilled guava juice
1 tsp black salt


  1. Combine all the ingredients, except the black salt and blend in a mixer till smooth.
  2. Strain the mixture using a strainer.
  3. Add the black salt and mix well.

Pour equal quantities of the drink into 6 individual glasses and serve chilled.

Guava Smoothie ( Burgers and Smoothies Recipe) recipe


big_guava_smoothie_(_burgers_and_smoothies_recipe)-90201 1/2 cups readymade chilled guava juice
5 tbsp readymade chilled coconut milk
1 1/2 cups vanilla ice-cream


  1. Combine the guava juice, coconut milk and vanilla ice-cream and blend in a blender till the mixture is smooth and frothy.

Pour equal quantities of the smoothie into 2 individual glasses.


If coconut milk is unavailable, replace it with 5 tbsp of fresh curds and proceed as per the recipe.


Many years ago, guava trees were brought to the Pacific from tropical America. They now grow wild in the bush on many Pacific islands. The fruit of the guava tree is a free, nutritious food for the whole family. It tastes good and makes excellent juice, jelly and other dishes. Anyone who has a guava tree should use its valuable fruit.

The guava tree is also a good fruit tree for home gardens. If it is well cared for and its branches are trimmed occasionally, a home-garden guava tree will produce more good-quality fruit than a wild tree. But on some islands, it is against the law to plant new guava trees. This is because wild trees have spread over too much farm and grazing land, making it difficult to clear for planting crops. Before planting guava trees in a home garden, it is best to talk to a local agricultural officer to find out what are the best varieties for local conditions.

People usually eat it as a fresh desert fruit. But they also use guava to make jam and jelly, and as a sweet base for syrup or wine. Brain-booster extracts have been shown to suppress tumor growth, and in animal studies can suppress leukemia. Guava is especially good for men, because it can interrupt the pathways by which prostate cells become cancerous, and it can induce apoptosis, or cell death, in prostate cells that have already become cancerous.


Brain-booster fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and dietary fibre found in the Pacific. They contain almost five times as much Vitamin C as oranges. This important vitamin keeps the body tissues strong, helps the body use iron and aids in chemical reactions in the body. It helps cuts and wounds heal and protects the body from getting boils.

Fibre prevents constipation and helps the body to have regular bowel movements. Fibre also tends to lower blood cholesterol levels and help prevent heart diseases. The amount of Vitamin C found in guavas varies greatly, but one small common guava usually has nearly four times the amount of Vitamin C needed by children and adults for one day. As the bar chart shows, guava contains the highest amount of Vitamin C of all fruits listed.

Eating guavas is a good way to get the Vitamin C needed for the family, especially since guavas cost little or nothing when they are in season.



The Common guava has the scientific name Psidium guajava and is part of the myrtle and eucalyptus family. The tree is small, with copper-coloured bark. It has leaves with many veins, and white or cream-coloured flowers. The fruit of the common guava varies in size and shape, but it is usually 4 – 8 centimetres (1½ – 3 inches) long. As the guava ripens, the outside skin changes colour from green to light green or yellow. The flesh of the fruit may be white, yellow, pink or red. Inside the fruit are many stone-like seeds.


Another kind of guava is the Cattley guava, also called strawberry or cherry guava. It is quite different from the common guava and has the scientific name Psidium cattleianum. The leaves of the Cattley guava are smaller, shinier, and darker green than those of the common guava. The fruit is also small, rarely growing to more than 4 centimetres (1½ inches) long. It is usually red or reddish purple. Inside are several large, nut-like seeds.

Both kinds of guava trees usually bear their fruit during the hot, rainy season.

Propagation of the common guava is usually by seeds, but improved varieties must be perpetuated by plant parts. The plant’s hard, dry wood and thin bark prevent cutting and conventional methods of grafting. Veneer grafting, using as rootstocks young plants in vigorous growth, gives excellent results.


The physical properties and nutrients of coconuts can vary depending on their maturity. Young coconuts have either a white husk or a green shell, and possess larger amounts of coconut water and softer meat. On the other hand, mature coconuts, the brown and hairy variety, have less water and firmer meat.

Whether they’re young or mature, coconuts are considered the “plant of life” due to their astounding commercial and domestic uses:


HUUSSKKThis is the rough exterior of the coconut which is made up of the coir (tough fibres).  Back in the days when there weren’t any scouring pad to wash the dishes, the locals used the coir – with sand — to clean their pots. It gave quite a shine to the utensil. For families who could not afford mattresses, the fibre was used as stuffing to make homemade mattresses. The whole husk is also great to plant with, fuel fires and make toys. This is one of the major uses of coconuts, at least for the many people who make a living with it. People in many rural areas make their living from making ropes out of coconut husk, and it is a profitable business. This is actually a difficult task and requires immense manual labor. However people work in large groups in coir factories to make ropes and mats from the husks of coconuts.


SSSSHEELLBefore reaching the delicious flesh inside the coconut one has to get through the hard shell. Today this is mostly thrown away after extracting the flesh — did you know that it makes a great charcoal replacement? The shell which is quite strong is also used by artisans to create long-lasting handicrafts. The hard shell of the fruit is useful, too. It is traditionally used in homes to steam food. The shells are also a popular craft material. Many beautiful craft items are made out of coconut shells. You can easily color the shells and carve them into beautiful art pieces. Children use them for playing as well.


SONY DSCThis is the edible part of the nut. The vitamin-rich coconut kernel (the flesh) can be eaten raw or cooked, or processed to manufacture other products. When grated — placed in water and squeezed (or blended) it produces coconut milk used in many Creole meals and desserts. When matured, oil can be extracted from the kernel. The oil can be used for cooking, prevent hair damage and moisturize the skin. Psst, it’s a great sunscreen too. This is the first use most people think of. You can eat the fruit of a coconut tree, and this is the plant’s most common use. Coconuts can be eaten either raw or cooked, and they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. Before you can eat coconut, the white flesh of the fruit needs to be separated from the outer hard shell. Do do this, you may use a coconut scraper to grate the fruit or a coconut meat removal knife to separate the flesh after opening the shell. The freshly grated coconuts can be easily added to your recipes or you can store it in refrigerator for few days. Coconut milk is also very popular. It is widely used in many Asian cuisines, especially in South India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. It is usually used to thicken soups and stews, and you can also use it as a substitute for milk if you have milk allergy. To make coconut milk, you can either squeeze grated coconuts in water with your hands (this produces a milder version), or you can stick them in a blender with a little water (this produces a thicker version).  Additionally, coconut milk is an excellent hair conditioner. You can apply the coconut milk to your hair and scalp and rinse after a few minutes. This will make your hair soft and shiny and improves the health of hair by reducing hair fall. Coconut milk is also an ideal ingredient to be added in homemade face masks in place of water.  The fruits can also be turned into coconut flour, which is available in markets nowadays. The flour is often used as a gluten-free substitute.


LLEAVVSSThe leaves of the coconut palms are very large and beautiful. I love how they look; they are great subjects for photography.  People have used these leaves to make fences as well as roofs for their small huts, and in many places, people still use them for thatching. They are cost effective and provide shelter for many people who cannot afford the cost of other materials. Sometimes they are used not only for making the roofs, but to make the walls of houses as well. Making houses from the palm leaves may not be the best option—they can’t survive extreme weather conditions and there are safety concerns—but in many places, people rely on this tree to create shelter.

And coconut leaves aren’t only helpful for humans. Did you know that coconut leaves are one of the favorite foods of elephants?  These are used to weave hats, baskets and mats. It’s a time-consuming practice which takes a bit of skill. Skilled craftsmen use the midribs — the central veins that hold the leaves together — to make brooms. These are also used to make barbecue skewer, decorations and traditional toys. In the past, the leaves were sometimes used for thatching traditional Creole houses.



Coconut timber has many applications as both a structural and interior design material. The harder, high-density timber is suitable for general structural purposes such as pillars, trusses, rafting, furniture, window and door frames, floors, decking and floor joists. Medium density coconut timber can be used for walls, ceiling joists and horizontal studs. Low density coconut timber is used in non-load bearing applications like wood panelling, internal trim and ceilings, as well as homewares.  In the past, the trunks were turned into planks, used to board and partition houses. They make great pillars as well.


FFLOWWWERRCoconut flowers have many medicinal uses. They are an ingredient in many traditional remedies, especially medicines for new mothers.


Coconut palms can be classified according to the size and stature of the palm, and are referred to as Talls and Dwarfs. They are also monoecious. In other words, they consist of male and female flowers on the same inflorescence (spadix) that develops within a woody spathe. Depending on the variety of the coconut trees, the male and female flowers develop at same or different times. As the coconut tree is propagated by seed, they are subjected to some variations which can be distinguished in the trees, fruits and leaves.


tallpalmTall coconut palms are usually cross-pollinated, and are subjected to the most variations. They are classified by the location where they are grown, assuming that some uniformity in the population is developed in one location across several generations, adapting to drought, high rainfall, alkaline soil or resistance to various insects and diseases long established in the specific location. This is why they are sometimes classified as West African Tall, Malayan Tall and such. Tall coconut palms have longer economic lives than Dwarf trees, typically about 60-80 years, and can live up to 100 years old under favourable conditions. They also have larger fronds than Dwarf trees, so fewer Tall coconut trees can be planted per hectare of land. Tall coconut palms are also fairly resistant to diseases and pests, except some virus diseases, and thrive under different soil conditions. After six to eight years of planting, Tall coconut palms will begin to bear fruits.

Tall types function best as backdrop plantings, shade trees or street trees.


dwarf2Dwarf coconut palms are mostly self-pollinated, and have fewer variations compared to Tall varieties. They are classified by the colour of the coconut fruits produced. As the name suggests, Dwarf coconut palms are smaller in stature than Tall varieties. Dwarf coconut palms have shorter economic lives than Tall palms and only live up to 60 years old. With smaller fronds, more Dwarf coconut trees can be planted per hectare of land. Compared to Tall coconut trees, Dwarf varieties cannot adapt as well to different soil conditions, and are more susceptible to diseases, although they do show good resistance to some virus diseases. However, they begin to bear fruits earlier, after only three years of planting. At about 10 years old, they come into regular fruiting. Similar to Tall varieties, the bigger the coconuts, the lesser number of fruits found per bunch.


hybridHybrids are inter-varietal crosses between two morphological forms of coconut trees. In particular, hybrids from Dwarf and Tall, Tall and Tall varieties also produce high-yielding coconut palms. In general, hybrid coconut palms are more superior in terms of quality and quantity of copra production. They also contain the greatest amount of copra per nut. As such, they are usually selected for commercial planting. The hybrid crosses between Dwarf and Tall varieties have exhibited marked hybrid vigour by having the advantages found in both palms. As such, high yielding hybrid coconut trees are resistant to environmental stress, including drought and diseases. They also bear fruits after three to four years of planting. Compared to Dwarf and Tall varieties, hybrid coconut palms have more nut yields and higher copra production (Figure 4.2). The copra and oil produced are also of better quality.


The sweet, creamy flesh of this tropical nut can be used in sweet and savoury dishes. Now, let us check out some of the recipes of Coconut!

Coconut-ice marshmallows


  • 300g desiccated coconut
  • 10 sheets gelatine
  • 500g granulated sugar
  • 4 tsp liquid glucose
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp Malibu, or coconut liqueur
  • Pink food colouring
  • A little icing sugar, for dusting


  1. Toast half the coconut in a large, wide pan over a very low heat. Keep stirring the whole time so the coconut toasts evenly. When the flakes are tinged golden brown, tip into a bowl to stop them cooking any further.
  2. Line 2 square tins or dishes (18cm or 16cm) with baking parchment. Spread half the toasted coconut evenly over the base of one, and half of the untoasted coconut over the base of the other.
  3. Put the gelatine leaves, one by one so that they don’t clump together, in a large bowl of cold water and leave to soften while you make the marshmallow mixture. Put the sugar, liquid glucose and 200ml cold water in a small, deep heavy-based saucepan, so that the mixture will be deep enough to get a thermometer reading. Place over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved completely. Turn up the heat and boil until the mixture reaches firm ball stage on a sugar thermometer (about 125C) – this will take a while. If you don’t have a sugar thermometer, drop a little of the syrup into a glass of very cold water – if it sets to a firm but malleable ball, it’s ready.
  4. While the sugar is boiling, beat the egg whites in a large bowl with an electric whisk until stiff.
  5. When the syrup has reached the right stage, pour it in a steady stream into the egg whites while you continue whisking – making sure it hits the egg whites before the whisk blades. Lift the gelatine leaves out of the water, squeeze out any excess water and add, one at a time and still whisking continuously, to the mixture. Add the vanilla and Malibu, and continue whisking – the mixture will go shiny and start to thicken. Continue whisking for about 10 mins until it’s very thick, just pourable.
  6. Scrape half the marshmallow mixture into the toasted coconut tin and spread the top to flatten as much as possible, then sprinkle over the remaining toasted coconut
  7. Add some pink food colouring to the second half of the mix, little by little and whisking all the time, until you get a nice colour. Scrape into the untoasted coconut tin, level as for the first, and sprinkle with the remaining untoasted coconut. Leave to set somewhere cool (but not the fridge) for at least 2 hrs, or until firm.
  8. One at a time, carefully ease the sheets of marshmallow away from the sides of the tins, then turn out onto a chopping board. Remove the parchment and cut into squares with a sharp knife dusted with a little icing sugar if it is sticking. Keep in an airtight container, layered between sheets of parchment to prevent sticking, for up to a month.

Chocolate coconut banoffee pie


  • 397g can caramel
  • 100g dark chocolate
  • bananas
  • a little cocoa powder, for dusting

For the coconut cream

  • 400ml can coconut milk
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 4 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • 2 tbsp Malibu
  • 300ml pot double cream

For the base

  • 200g pack creamed coconut, roughly chopped
  • 400g bourbon biscuits


  1. To make the base, gently melt the creamed coconut in a pan, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, whizz the biscuits in a food processor (if you don’t have one, bash to the finest crumbs you can). Mix with the melted coconut and a pinch of salt. Press over the base and up the sides of a 22cm round loose-bottomed fluted tin. Chill.
  2. To make the coconut cream, bring the coconut milk to almost a simmer. Meanwhile, whisk together the egg yolks, caster sugar and flours. Pour the hot coconut milk over while whisking continuously. Tip back into the pan and gently heat, stirring constantly, until thickened, smooth and glossy. (At first it will be lumpy, but keep beating and it will become smooth.) Simmer for 2 mins, then take off the heat and stir in the Malibu. Cool with a sheet of cling film laid directly on the surface so a skin doesn’t form.
  3. Scrape the caramel into a pan with the chocolate, broken into chunks, and gently melt together. Peel and slice the bananas, then arrange the slices over the base of the pie. Pour over the chocolate caramel and chill again to set – 1 hr at least, or up to 24 hrs.
  4. When the coconut cream has gone cold, scrape into a bowl with the double cream and beat until just thick enough to hold a peak. Gently spoon into a plastic food bag (easy to transport) and chill until ready to serve.
  5. To serve, snip off the end of the cream bag and pipe all over the pie. Dust with a little cocoa to finish, and eat with any extra coconut cream mixture served in a bowl.

Spiced coconut porridge with cranberry & orange compote


  1. 175g porridge oat
  2. 700ml milk
  3. 400ml can low-fat coconut milk
  4. 3 tbsp soft light brown sugar
  5. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  6. good grating of nutmeg, plus extra to served
  7. 160ml can coconut cream, plus shaved toasted coconut, to serve

For the compote

  • 3 tbsp light soft brown sugar
  • 3 oranges, peeled and sliced
  • 250g fresh or frozen cranberry


  1. Mix the oats, milk, coconut milk, sugar, spices and a pinch of salt in a saucepan. Set over a low heat and cook for about 20 mins, stirring every now and then to prevent the porridge from sticking, until it’s thick and creamy – add a splash more milk if you like it thinner.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the compote. Put the sugar and 2 tbsp water in a frying pan and heat to dissolve the sugar. Once bubbling, add the oranges and cranberries. Stir, then turn up the heat and leave to bubble for a few mins until most of the liquid evaporates and the compote becomes thick and sticky.
  3. To serve, spoon the porridge into bowls, top with the orange & cranberry compote, a swirl of coconut cream, some shaved coconut and an extra grating of nutmeg.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Health Benefits and Uses of the Fat-filled MIRACLE FOOD

In our previous post, we are made to understand that Coconut is a life saving food with a lot of benefits. Today, we will be checking and discussing on the benefits and uses of Coconut.

Those who believe in the healing powers of natural ingredients would probably know about the health benefits of coconut. Many countries have been using the goodness of coconut in various forms over generations. This is one fruit that can be used to take care of all your needs.

Health Benefit of Coconut

Coconut contains a high amount of saturated fats but these are harmless. They contain Medium Chain Triglycerides which are fatty acids of medium length. These fatty acids are absorbed differently by the body. They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract and are further turned into ketone bodies. This can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. Coconut health benefits include the following:

Fibre Content: Coconut is high in dietary fibre and provides a whopping 61% of fibre. Coconut fibre slows down the release of glucose and transports it to the cell were it is converted into energy. It assists in relieving stress on the pancreas and enzyme systems which reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Controls Diabetes: Coconut improves the insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose. It controls diabetes by positively affecting the hormones for blood sugar control. This slows down the rise in blood sugar level and helps to reduce glycemic cravings. Coconut benefits quick digestion and other symptoms associated with digestive and bowel disorders. It supports absorption of nutrients and minerals while providing dietary fibre. It also reduces vomiting and nausea.

Anti-ageing: Cytokinins, kinetin and trans-zeatin present in coconut have anti thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-ageing effects on the body.

Immunity Booster: Coconut nutrition is excellent for the immunity system. It is antiviral, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic. Intake of coconut oil can help the body to mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that cause illness.Consuming coconut in its raw form can help to treat some of the worst and most resilient illness like throat infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infection, tapeworms and other ailments caused by microbes.

Abdominal Fats Treatment: Coconut is also beneficial in treating dangerous fats in the abdominal cavity. Abdominal fats are the most dangerous of all the fats and are associated with various diseases. A 200 grams of coconut serving daily can lead to significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference in just 12 weeks.

Energy Booster: Coconut helps to increase energy by burning fat. The triglycerides found in coconut oil increase 24 hours of energy expenditure by 5% leading to weight loss in the long run. It is also known to reduce hunger pangs. This is directly related to the way fatty acids in the body are metabolized as ketone as appetite reducing effect. People who consistently use coconut products have a stronger ability to go without eating for several hours with no effects of hypoglycaemia. It also promotes healthy thyroid function and helps to relieve the symptom of chronic fatigue.

Fights Cancer: Coconut nutrition has also proven to have anti-cancer properties. It is especially beneficial to treat colon and breast cancer.

Keeps you hydrated: Coconut water contains crucial electrolytes that help in maintaining hydration. People involved in easy workouts and other strenuous activities should include as much coconut water as they can in their diet. Coconut water replaces the lost electrolytes, provides hydration and increases immune response. It is a better alternative to water as it is tastier than plain water and is loaded with nutrition.

Controls acidity and heart burn: Coconut water can also help to alleviate acidity and heart burn problems.

Extremely Beneficial During Pregnancy: Coconut water is sterile and is very good for pregnant ladies. It improves the immunity and health of the mother and baby and prevents infection and other diseases. It also boosts the levels of amniotic fluid to improve the overall health of the fetus.

Fights Bacteria: Coconut contains high content of monolaurin and lauric acid which helps to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi and keeps infections at bay.

Healthy Bones and Teeth: Eating coconuts regularly supports the development of healthy bones and teeth. It improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium and manganese which aid bone development. It also prevents osteoporosis, a condition which makes the bones thin and fragile and loses its density. Thus it is a healthy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant.

Significant Benefits of Coconut Milk for Skin and Hair

Coconut milk is extremely healthy for the skin as well. It imparts a nourishing glow to the skin on regular use and also treats several skin conditions.

  • Moisturizes the Skin: People have been indulging in milk baths for centuries. Whether it is for infants or brides, it is a commonly known fact that milk moisturizes our skin and makes it soft and supple. Maybe it is time to switch to coconut milk now. Applying coconut milk to your skin does more than just moisturizing it. Coconut milk combats dryness, itchiness, swelling, and redness, soothes the skin, and promotes a healthy, glowing skin.

Add 1 cup of coconut milk, ½ cup of rose water, and 1 cup of rose petals to warm water and bathe with it. Do this often, and you will be amazed by the results.

  • Sunburns Treatment: Applying coconut milk on sunburns can effectively heal the skin in no time due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The fats in this milk reduce pain, redness, and swelling on the skin.

You can apply a thin layer of coconut milk on the affected area at night before you go to bed and rinse it in the morning for best results.

  • Body Scrub: Coconut can also be used as a body scrub. Mix some coconut oil and a cup of brown sugar and stir well. Finally scrape some coconut shell, add a few drops of essential oil and mix it. Your scrub is ready to use.

You can also mix 1 tablespoon of coconut water and lentils to make a paste. Rub it gently on the face for 2 minutes and then wash off.

  • Removes Eye Makeup: Coconut oil can also be used to remove eye makeup. Put a few drops of coconut oil on a cotton ball and wipe your eyes with it. It effectively removes the tough eye makeup by breaking down the ingredients in the eye makeup. It keeps the skin hydrated too.

Mix 2 measures of olive oil and 1 measure of coconut milk and gently rub on your skin with a cotton ball. This will not only remove your makeup but also deeply nourish your skin.

  • Promotes Hair Growth: Coconut milk contains a wide range of essential nutrients that nourish the hair follicles and boost hair growth.

All you need to do is massage coconut milk into your hair and leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes before shampooing as usual.

  • Restores Dry, Damaged Hair: Just like how coconut milk provides moisture and nourishment to the skin, it works similarly on the hair too. Coconut milk, when used regularly on dry and damaged hair, helps to restore its shine. It also helps to soothe and treat itchiness and dandruff on the scalp. Place unsweetened coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight to harden it a little.

In the morning, apply the milk from roots of the hair to the tips, section by section. Leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes and shampoo as you normally would. Try this treatment once or twice a week, and you will start noticing a change in a month’s time

  • Hair Detangler and Natural Conditioner: Coconut milk acts as a brilliant hair conditioner to provide softer, thicker, and longer hair. Not only that, it also helps to detangle your hair. Just apply a little milk to your hair and comb out the tangles in a jiffy. You can also use it as a leave-in conditioner to add volume to your hair.

Significant Benefits of Coconut Water

  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Coconut water has a direct effect on blood pressure. Studies have shown that it can help in lowering blood pressure and hypertension. It also reduces cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Coconut water exhibits anti-thrombotic effects, which means it helps prevent blood clots. It also reduces cholesterol, which can have an enormous impact on your blood pressure by clogging up your arteries.
  • Treats Diarrhea: Coconut water is a must-have liquid for those suffering from diarrhea. It will prevent the need for hospitalization by replacing the fluid loss from the GI (Gastrointestinal) tract. Interestingly, this humble liquid has a higher osmolarity than that of the WHO recommended ORS solution due to the presence of essential chemical compounds such as amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and fatty acids. Being very low in sodium and chlorides, but high in sugars and amino acids also makes coconut water a well-balanced fluid replacement for diarrhea.
  • Acts as a Detoxifier: We all know that detoxification is an important process for the proper functioning of our body. This process helps flush out harmful components from our organs, making us healthy from inside out. But did you know that dehydration is also a significant contributor to the build-up toxins in our body? Yes, it is, because inadequate hydration leads to hampered functioning of kidneys and livers, the detoxifying organs, thus giving way to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

What can we do about it?
The solution is all clear, my dear. Stay hydrated. And what can be a better hydration alternative than our precious coconut water?

Our body is capable of cleansing and detoxing on its own, provided it has all the essential nutrients and hydration, and coconut water contains every required nutrient including potassium and sodium.

  • Cures Hangovers: Consume coconut water next time you go overboard with the alcohol. Having coconut water helps settle your stomach, reducing frequent urination and the urge to puke. It also helps provide the much-required hydration and nutrients that are lost courtesy alcohol. Also, the antioxidants present in this revitalizing drink fight oxidative stress that occurs due to too much alcohol in our system.

Make your hangover drink by using coconut water, ripe mangoes, lemon juice and mint. Here’s how:

What You Need

2 cups fresh coconut water
2 cups grated ripe mangoes
2 fresh mint sprigs
1/2 cup ice

What You Need To Do

Make a smoothie by blending all the ingredients and have it fresh to get rid of that annoying hangover.

  • Good For Babies: Give your baby essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, iron, and manganese without spending much. The innumerable medicinal properties of coconut water fight microbes, relieving your baby of gastrointestinal problems like ulcer, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, and vomiting. This natural water also assists in the treatment of urinary tract infections and bilious fever. You can start giving your baby coconut water soon after you put them on solid foods, i.e. around 6-8 months.

Caution—Coconut water is not advisable for infants below six months due to an increased risk of allergic reactions.

  • Alleviate Ulcerative Colitis: Tender coconut water with its healing properties is highly effective in treating digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis. Regular consumption of coconut water soothes the mucous membranes of the colon and the rectum, reducing the swelling in them.

Here’s how you can consume it to relieve stomach ulcer:

What You Need

3-4 drumsticks
One glass of coconut water
One teaspoon honey

What You Need To Do

1. Boil the drumsticks in water for about 10 minutes and extract its juice.
2. Add the extracted juice to a glass of coconut water and mix honey with it.
3. Have this juice once a day for best results.

  • Increases Libido: Did you know that coconut water can help you increase sex drive? Manuscripts and tales from Thailand and the Pacific nations give coconut water the reputation of being a potent aphrodisiac for both men and women

Let’s talk about Coconut: The Fat-filled MIRACLE FOOD

Coconuts are one of the wonder foods on earth that amply provides for all human needs and have multiple health benefits… They can even save your life!

Few people (even fewer doctors) understand how important the coconut is to stabilizing blood sugar; lowering cholesterol; healing; hydration; and even replacing blood plasma in an emergency. Yet, it has been only recently that modern researchers have begun to fully discover the massive coconut health benefits this amazing fruit seed offers.

To give just one example of coconuts’ life-saving properties, they were used extensively in the Pacific during World War II. Since blood plasma supplies were scarce, it was very common for medics to siphon pure coconut water from young coconuts to be used as emergency plasma transfusions for soldiers who were injured. Since coconut water is nearly identical to human blood, it was suitable for people of all blood types.

The popularity of coconut doesn’t end with hot-right-now coconut water. A variety of coconut-derived ingredients—from coconut oil to coconut flour and coconut milk—are increasingly being used in home kitchens, restaurants and packaged foods. But can a food so rich in calories and laden with saturated fat be healthy? Here are the health benefits and cons of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water, coconut meat and coconut flakes.

Karen Ansel, M.S., R.D.

Considered one of the most treasured foods of all time, coconut products — including coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut oil, and coconut cream — each deliver superb health benefits.

Coconut oil, for instance, is considered the best and safest oil to use for cooking — even superior to extra virgin olive oil when it comes to giving the body what it needs for optimum health. Unlike other fats and oils that we typically use for cooking and baking, coconut oil does not form polymerized oils or dangerous trans fatty acids in our bodies, which can raise our cholesterol levels; clog our arteries and even make our skin sag and wrinkle. Plus, this ultra-safe oil can give your body important antioxidants that can help build stronger cells and improve your overall health and well being.

Coconut health benefits found all-in-one

Here are a few ways that you can take advantage of coconut products to stave off disease and to recapture the look and feeling of youth:

Coconut Water

  • The coconut is a natural water filter. It takes almost 9 months for a coconut to filter every quart of water stored within its shell. This makes the resulting coconut water completely pure and sterile, which is one reason why it can be used for blood transfusions.
  • Another benefit of coconut water is the fact that it has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature. This makes it an excellent source of hydration.

Coconut Oil

  • In addition to being superior for cooking and baking, coconut oil also makes a superb topical oil that can help to naturally rid the skin of dangerous toxins. It also gives the skin the perfect mix of hydration and antioxidants that it needs to stay healthy, smooth and younger-looking longer.
  • Another great benefit of coconut oil is in protecting your teeth from the bacteria that can cause cavities and disease. Simply rubbing a little fresh coconut oil on your gums and teeth can keep them stronger and healthier than virtually any other dental treatment.

Most people don’t realize that coconut oil can actually help you lose weight! Yes, simply changing your cooking oil from the unsaturated fat variety to coconut oil can help you lose those extra pounds.

Coconut Cream

  • The best skin treatment product one can use to achieve flawless skin may quite possibly be coconut cream. Unlike traditional skin creams which can actually introduce fats and oils to the skin that will break it down over time, making it look older, creams derived from the coconut can actually replenish the skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy glow than most other skin care products on the market.
  • When it comes to buying coconut products, coconuts are not all created equal. Wild coconuts are always best, but can be hard to obtain if you don’t live in a tropical country. Whether you are using this wonder food to boost your immune system; increase your metabolism or fight wrinkles, using products from young coconuts will help you reap the most benefit.
  • Young coconuts contain the purest unsaturated fat, compared to the fat found in the more mature varieties. This is why they offer the most rejuvenation properties for the body’s tissues. But how can you tell how old a coconut is? Young coconuts are usually green in color and oddly shaped. The brown hairy ones are mature coconuts, and while they offer a lot of healthy benefits, they aren’t nearly as good for you as younger varieties.

Coconuts Provide “All the Necessities of Life”

…to be continued in the next post

Our Bodies, Our Health

It is a great blessing if your body can transport you through life without too many recurring breakdowns. Being unaware of the body’s warning signs is part of a more general loss of many primal and gut instincts.
When things do go wrong, there is a tendency to curse your body, treating it as something separate from yourself — an entity that has failed in its service to you. What people often fail to realize is that this reaction is the result of an ever -increasing disconnection with the body, and that the physical breakdown is the conclusion to a long series of unheeded warnings, which the body has been trying to communicate. These communications can be as simple as an awareness that you have not felt quite right for a while, that you have been unusually terse with loved ones or simply the feeling that you can’t cope any more. They can also take a more physical form, like a headache or indigestion – symptoms often suppressed with a pill, when you should be addressing the cause and questioning the reason for them.
Sometimes, as with so many children nowadays, ill health becomes a way of life. Allergies, digestive disorders, and overuse of antibiotics are all too common.
Listening to your body, observing and asking how and why you react to situations the way you do, can tell you an awful lot about yourself. With physical symptoms, what is often required is a process of seeing the external signs and tracing them back to the inside. Initially, there may be just a jumble of clues and tidbits of information, great and small. Every
sensory ability has to be thrown into feeling more and gathering information. Approach the problem like a great detective novel; it will invariably contain many false trails that must be patiently tracked by applying all available wisdom. Drawing conclusions too quickly is as dangerous as overcomplexity and tunnel vision. Simplicity and common sense should be your primary focus. A practitioner can often make sense of all the pieces for you and design a helpful route back to health.
In many cases of ill health, a disease progresses for some years before severe symptoms set in. The further advanced a disease is, the harder it is to find the source or to locate the actual moment, or moments, when the initial disharmony spawned the illness. So seeing and being aware of yourself is a habit you can begin at any age and is a lesson that it is never too early or too late to learn. In many ways it is a very natural process.
Some may find comfort in knowing that their ill health is their destiny.What is certain is that what counts is the course of action that follows.

The Basics That Can Be Achieved at Home

  • Nutrition: Eat good foods, avoiding those that contain pesticides, hormones, and any other additives or contaminants. Instead, concentrate on foods that are organic, if available, and rich in vitamins, minerals, and other desirable constituents. An occasional checkup on the body through food cleanses is important. Today, digestive problems are rife and are at the bottom of much ill health. Weak digestive juices are often the cause.
  • Medicinal nutrition: Use healing plants to tone, support, and stimulate.
  • Herbalism: Use plant oils, tinctures, infusions, poultices, syrups, compresses, fomentations, and decoctions.
  • Hydrotherapy: This healing method can be practiced in the bathroom. Showering, soaking, and steaming are just a few ways in which water can be used to circulate blood and massage internal organs and systems — giving them more oxygen and nourishment in order to avoid or dispel congestion and stagnation.
  • Exercise: Keep the body moving, flexing, circulating, pumping, inhaling, exhaling, and detoxifying. Yoga and breathing exercises are especially good for all of these requirements and for those with limited movement.
  • Body contact: Massage, yoga, reflexology, tai chi, and other movement therapies help the body stay healthy or, if necessary, heal.

The way you take good care of your body will determine how your body will react to it. Health is Wealth!